Big Ten '75 Phoebe Macon Profile



Phoebe Macon
Then & Now

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Name: Phoebe Macon

Birthday: September 9th

Occupation: Health Educator/Project Coordinator

Family: Divorced 1 son (Reginald)

Interests: Reading, Writing, Listening to Music (R&B, Jazz, Old Skool, Gospel) , Dancing, Singing, Photography, Scrapbooking, Baking Cakes, Bowling, Rollerskating, Web Surfing, and Meeting New People.

Before the Ten: Attended Marian Anderson Elementary School (3yrs.), John F. Kennedy Elementary School (3 yrs.), and Willowbrok Jr. High School (3 yrs.), I enjoyed being a Willowbrook Cheerleader.

What was your fondest memory @ the Ten?
Going to the Prom. My Prom Date (Adron Brown - Poplocker) and I were picked as Mr. and Mrs. Best Dressed at the Prom!! I also enjoyed being a Centennette!!

What have you been up to since the Ten?
After High School I graduated with a B.S. Degree in Health Science from San Diego State University. Started work on my Masters Degree at Cal State University Dominguez Hills.

I have worked in the Health Care Industry for the last 35 years and I have worked as a Health Educator for the County of Los Angeles Health Department ( The Sexually Transmitted Disease Program) for the last 20 years. I have won numerous Awards and have been named Employee of the Year twice. I recently won a Community Service Award from Sisters, Inc./Stakeholders Group for educating the community regarding healthcare for the last 35 years.. I go into Junior and Senior High Schools and Teen Mother Programs in Compton, Ca. and the Los Angeles area as a Guest Speaker on STD's.

In 1988 I received an Award as an Outstanding Young Woman of America (a Distinction similar to Who's Who).

I started a Project in 1990 called the "Prevention Connection" in which I distribute condoms (free of charge) to various Community Based Agencies; as well as local Beauty Salons, Barber Shops and Pharmacies. This project has won many National Health Awards and has been recognized by Pharmaceutical Companies, the News Media, and Local Newspapers. It continues to assist over 120 businesses in 17 Cities in the Los Angeles Area in distributing free condoms to their clientele (the project originated in Compton, Ca.). The Project has been instrumental in decreaasing disease and promoting prevention of health & is still going stong, (20 years now!).


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