Big Ten '75 Oceal Green Profile



Oceal Green
Then & Now

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Name: Oceal Green (Victory)

Birthday: November 29th

Occupation: Captain - Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept.

Family: Husband (Bert), Son (J. Ross) & Daughter (Jessica)

Interests: Traveling, Reading, Golfing, Spending time with Family & Friends, Listening to live Jazz & Motorcycling.

What was your fondest memory @ the Ten?
Attending the pre-game Pep Rally. The excitement that riveted throughout the school and especially at the assemblies are forever etched in my brain; whether we were winning or losing, it didn't seem to matter.

The Centennettes coming into the Gym and the excitement they generated, the Cheer Leaders doing their thing, the School Mascot doing his thing, the cheers from the crowd in the gym - I will never forget it!

What have you been up to since the Ten?
After completing high school, I did what most folks who couldn’t afford full time college do - I went to work, but I took a college class here & there.

My first “real” job was with SPNB (Security Pacific Nat’l Bank) and I was bored out my wits. Therefore, I took an exam for the Los Angeles County Sheriff Dept. and I was hired on as a “Clerical Worker” Before long, I was bored stiff with that; after about 2 1/2 years of part-time college and full time work, I took the exam for Deputy Sheriff with the County of L.A. & passed.

After 6 months of grueling academy training, I became a Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff & began to take one promotional exam after another it has been 28 years now.

On February 27, 2008 I received a call from Sheriff Baca & he promoted me to Captain, Whoo Hoo. I’m the Commander of the Marina Del Rey Sheriff Station.

In between the jobs & the part-time college, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, got married, obtained an Associate of Arts Degree in Communications & 2 Bachelor Degrees, 1 in Theology & the other in Criminal Justice & I’m still contemplating a MBA.


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