Big Ten '75 Clarence Terrell Profile



Clarence Terrell Jr.

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Name: Clarence Terrell Jr.

Birthday: February 3rd

Occupation: California Department of Corrections: (Parole)

Family: Married

Interests: Spending time with my Family is the utmost. The Ministry takes up a large portion of my time but I enjoy ministering. I love spending quality time with my Twin Sister one on one as she (Clara) likes to call it. It is always wonderful we talk to her everyday either in person or over the phone. I have been married for 24 yrs. My Wife Rose; she is my confidant. I can talk to her about anything; she is an excellent listener and she never reminds me of my past failures or inadequacies. She always encourages me to be the best that I can be. Rose is my best friend and she loves to travel, so we spend quite a bit of time away from home.

I have two dogs that I adore, Shadow and Rusty (Chow Chows); they keep me young because they do not take to walking. They love to run; so I find myself in a dash trying to keep up with them. Life has had its lumps and bumps; but for the most part I truly cannot complain at all. God has been so gracious to me.

What was your fondest memory @ the Ten?
Hanging out in the hallways with the Crew, (Pickle, LaSalle, Carlton, J.B., Michael Celestine, Ghost, and Slap).

What have you been up to since the Ten?
Attending all my Class Reunions; because I truly believe that there is a bond that was created between all of us during our brief time growing up. I am aware that we all did not grow up in the same neighborhoods; but there were always some type of interaction with one another whether we were aware of it or not. We saw or ran into one another at Clubs, Dances, Swimming Pools, Sock Hops, or Roller Skating, L.A. has always been a busy city. I knew more people from the Carolina West Nightclub than I did in my own neighborhood. So to answer the question I have been very busy.


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