Big Ten '75 Antionette Payton Profile



Antionette Payton
Then & Now

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Name: Antionette Payton (Williams)

Birthday: May 12th

Occupation: L.A. County Employee

Family: Married, 7 Children, 7 Grandchildren & 1 Greatgrand-child

Interests: Doing Crafts, Riding on the back of my Husbands motorcycle when he let's me ride with him, Being with my Family and attending Church & Cooking.

What was your fondest memory @ the Ten?
Pep Rally’s in the Gym, when the Centennettes would come in and Mr. Page would have on that Big Chief hat on his head and dance around that gym and we would shout yayayayaoooooooooo! The Band rehearsing on the field. Seeing the Pop Lockers Ted Sanders & Adron Brown dance & Graduating.

What have you been up to since the Ten?
God has been good to me over the years, and I’m looking forward to better days to come .This will be my 30th year working for the County of L.A.


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